An in vivo microscope of brain activity, using MRI
In the Department of Medical Radiology, Professor Ileana Jelescu has received an ERC Starting Grant 2022 to develop FIREPATH, the first non-invasive technique to map activity in the brain white matter on a clinical MRI.
These maps of information flowing through the brain could be very useful in neurosurgery, to better define the regions that should be preserved during an operation, as well as in neurology and psychiatry, for the diagnosis and monitoring of diseases. To access this information, it will be necessary to detect the fluctuations in cell membranes that accompany the transmission of information.
FIREPATH is complementary to Jelescu’s Eccellenza research grant, which aims to transform MRI into an in vivo microscope of brain structure. Both projects use the equipment of the Center for Biomedical Imaging, of which the CHUV is a founding member.
Project Ambassadors (CHUV)

Prof Ilena Jelescu
Department of Medical Radiology
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