About us
Lausanne University Hospital is one of the five university hospitals in Switzerland, with Geneva, Bern, Basel and Zurich. With its 17 clinical and medico-technical departments and their numerous services, the CHUV is renowned for its academic achievements in health care, research, and teaching.
The CHUV is also a well-known center of medical education and research thanks to its collaboration with the Faculty of Biology and Medicine of the University of Lausanne and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL). Together, these institutions form a vast campus in the Lake Geneva region.
Key numbers
Discover some striking figures from CHUV in 2022.
beds used
days of hospitalisation
emergency patients treated
Executive committee
The Executive Committee develops and implements the institution’s corporate strategy, guaranteeing its clinical, academic and public health missions. It is also responsible for operational management.